
Email Marketing Staffing Firm

5 Email Marketing Myths to Avoid

July 13, 2023 Email Marketing 0 Comments

Email marketing for staffing firms is one of the oldest digital marketing tools; therefore, it has accumulated many misconceptions over the years. Email marketing myths are common, but are harmful to your staffing firm. Email marketing is still one of the most effective lead-generating tools, providing you with the most direct line of communication with potential leads. Is it still relevant? Yes!

Sending Too Many Emails Annoys Clients and Candidates

If the content is filled with spammy words or sounds too much like a sales pitch, then potential leads are more likely to become annoyed and unsubscribe or delete the email.

However, by providing valuable content for your target audience and crafting fresh and varied subject lines, clients and candidates will open and read your emails. Sending one or two emails a week usually won’t cause your potential leads to unsubscribe or delete your emails.

Resending the Same Email

It is wishful to think that everyone on your email list reads every message you send the first time you send it.

Resending emails isn’t always a bad idea. Most email marketing tools provide a tracking system that allows you to see who has or hasn’t opened your email. Resending the email to those who didn’t open it the first time increases your chances of getting more leads.

Open Rate is the Most Important Metric to Track

This is a common misconception; open rate is important to track, but it is not the most important metric. Rather than focusing on the open rate, one should take a look at the click-through rate.

By looking at your click-through rates, you determine which aspects of your staffing firm email campaigns are successful and which are not. Are people clicking on your call-to-action buttons, subject lines, content, or links? The click-through rate is the most important metric to track in order to improve your email campaign and generate leads.

Email Isn’t a Lead Generator

Email marketing for staffing firms IS a lead nurturing tool, but that is only half of its capabilities. Through calls-to-action buttons and social sharing links, emails can turn potential leads into actual leads. Social sharing buttons and call-to-action buttons make emails highly shareable, creating opportunities to generate new leads for your staffing firm. Using email marketing for your staffing firm is also used as a nurturing tool to keep in contact and remind clients and candidates that you are still around and available to help. .

Unsubscribes Are Not Good for Business

Unsubscribing is not a bad thing for businesses. Why? Think of it as an opportunity for people to help you clean up your email list. As long as you have a healthy unsubscribe rate (under 1% is considered average), then there’s nothing to worry about. To reduce the rate of unsubscribes, offer an option for people to reduce the number of emails they receive instead of being completely removed from the list.

Five Key Takeaways:

  1. Always send emails with fresh content to ensure readers stay interested.
  2. Resend the same email to those who never opened your email.
  3. Click-through rate is more important than open rates.
  4. Email is the most effective lead generation tool for staffing firms to use.
  5. Unsubscribes are natural and are a great way to clean out your email list.

Need help with your next staffing firm email campaign? S.J.Hemley is here to help. Contact us today! ((insert contact link))

About S.J.Hemley Marketing

S.J.Hemley Marketing is a marketing and sales consulting firm focused on driving tangible results for professional services firms. Brand matters, but not without ROI. With over 20 years of sales and marketing experience within staffing and recruiting, we have helped to drive successful branding, sales training, lead generation activities as well as defining marketing strategy for top organizations.


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